Monday, October 12, 2009

Private Dinner

其實我久唔久都會搞下私房飯局, 大家煮下食下好開心~

今次搞左個西餐既, 距離上次都差唔多有成年喇...

呢次飯局有六個人, 已經係我既極限, 主因係屋企無咁多張椅同餐具... =p
今次試左唔少新食譜, 大部份都係看似複雜, 實質好簡單, 亦好好味....
prepare時間亦比相像中少, 我都係下午四點幾先肯郁身整野~ =PPP
點解? 因為上晏去左 Le creuset 開倉血拼, 搞到個人超攰嘛... 好... 睇睇個 Menu 先~
- Broccoli Soup
- Snail in Garlic Butter
- Italian Beef Pot Pies
- Guacamole Chicken
- Grilled Tiger Prawn with Mango Herb Sauces
- Sea Bass with Parsley Sauces
- Warm Chocolate Cake

Broccoli Soup + Italian Beef Pot Pies                            
Snail in Garlic Butter

Guacamole Chicken                                                    
Grilled Tiger Prawn with Mango Herb Sauces

Sea Bass with Parsley Sauces                                      
Warm Chocolate Cake